
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Episode 13- British Columbia
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Welcome to the thirteenth and final episode of Ghost Stories of Canada! Today we'll be showing you around our home of British Columbia. Be ready for some stories for the road, a Jack the Ripper-style killing, and possibly the most horrible hanging we've ever heard tell of.
Be sure to check out our other episodes, each one of which features a different province or territory of Canada.
Our reading list for this episode is as follows:
Great Canadian Ghost Stories by Barbara Smith published in 2018 by Touchwood Editions
Ghost Stories of the Rocky Mountains by Barbara Smith published in 1999 by Barbara Smith and Lone Pine Publishing
A Strange Little Place: The Hauntings & Unexplained Events of One Small Town by Brennan Storr published in 2016 by Brennan Storr and Llewellyn Publications
Victoria’s Most Haunted: Ghost Stories from BC’s Historic Capital City by Ian Gibbs published in 2017 by Ian Gibbs and Touchwood Editions
Episode cover art: Original photo by host
Visit us online at https://discoverthepast.com/
Even better, come join us on one of our history tours or Ghostly Walks! We would love to see you out there!
Enjoy the episode,

Monday Aug 12, 2019
Episode 12- The Yukon
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Welcome to the twelfth episode of Ghost Stories of Canada! Today we'll be taking a dive into the ghostly history of the Yukon. We'll have a close look at the infamous Caribou Hotel, the deadliest ship wreck in the Pacific Northwest, and Groucho Marx... yes, you read that correctly.
Episodes will be released every Monday and Thursday starting on July 1st and each episode will cover a different province or territory of Canada.
Our reading list for this episode is as follows:
Great Canadian Ghost Stories by Barbara Smith published in 2018 by Touchwood Editions
Canadian Ghost Stories by Barbara Smith published in 2001 by Lone Pine Publishing
The Wreck of the A. J. Goddard: A Sternwheeler from the days of the Klondike Gold Rush by Linsey Thomas, Doug Davidge, and John Pollack accessed on yukon.ca
Yukon Paranormal, Episodes 1 and 3 on Travel Yukon’s YouTube channel
Episode cover art: Adobe Stock photo #173824318 by @schame87
Visit us online at https://discoverthepast.com/
Even better, come join us on one of our history tours or Ghostly Walks! We would love to see you out there!
Enjoy the episode,

Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Episode 11- Alberta
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Welcome to the eleventh episode of Ghost Stories of Canada! Today we'll be taking a dive into the ghostly history of Alberta. We'll encounter another ghost train, one of the world's most haunted bridges, and perhaps Canada's most famous haunted building.
Episodes will be released every Monday and Thursday starting on July 1st and each episode will cover a different province or territory of Canada.
Our reading list for this episode is as follows:
Great Canadian Ghost Stories by Barbara Smith published in 2018 by Touchwood Editions
True Canadian Ghost Stories by John Robert Colombo published in 2003 by Prospero Books
Ghost Stories of the Rocky Mountains by Barbara Smith published in 1999 by Barbara Smith and Lone Pine Publishing
Haunted Alberta: 62 True Ghost Stories by Barbara Smith published in 2009 by Lone Pine Publishing
Episode cover art: Adobe Stock photo #88026180 by @Kerry Snelson
Visit us online at https://discoverthepast.com/
Even better, come join us on one of our history tours or Ghostly Walks! We would love to see you out there!
Enjoy the episode,

Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Episode 10- The Northwest Territories
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Welcome to the tenth episode of Ghost Stories of Canada! Today we'll be examining stories from the Northwest Territories, where we get some weird stuff involving a shapeshifter on the Rabbitskin River, two cases of transporting corpses, and a valley that's home to some very strange encounters, many of which one does not come out of alive.
Episodes will be released every Monday and Thursday starting on July 1st and each episode will cover a different province or territory of Canada.
Our reading list for this episode is as follows:
Great Canadian Ghost Stories by Barbara Smith published in 2018 by Touchwood Editions
Episode cover art: Adobe Stock photo #131228821 by @Sean Xu
Visit us online at https://discoverthepast.com/
Even better, come join us on one of our history tours or Ghostly Walks! We would love to see you out there!
Enjoy the episode,

Monday Jul 29, 2019
Episode 9- Saskatchewan
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Monday Jul 29, 2019
Welcome to the ninth episode of Ghost Stories of Canada! Today we'll be examining stories from Saskatchewan, where we'll venture out onto the plains for some stories concerning a hospital-turned-home, a wraith on the Porcupine River, and the infamous St Louis Ghost Light.
Episodes will be released every Monday and Thursday starting on July 1st and each episode will cover a different province or territory of Canada.
Our reading list for this episode is as follows:
Canadian Ghost Stories by Barbara Smith published in 2001 by Lone Pine Publishing
True Canadian Ghost Stories by John Robert Colombo published in 2003 by Prospero Books
Episode cover art: Adobe Stock photo #27609067 by @Elenathewise
Visit us online at https://discoverthepast.com/
Even better, come join us on one of our history tours or Ghostly Walks! We would love to see you out there!
Enjoy the episode,

Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Episode 8- Nunavut
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Thursday Jul 25, 2019
Welcome to the eighth episode of Ghost Stories of Canada! Today we'll be examining stories from Nunavut, where we'll venture out for some tales of premonitions, clairvoyance, and the fallout of the Franklin expedition of 1845.
Episodes will be released every Monday and Thursday starting on July 1st and each episode will cover a different province or territory of Canada.
Our reading list for this episode is as follows:
Great Canadian Ghost Stories by Barbara Smith published in 2018 by Touchwood Editions
Ghost Stories of the Sea by Barbara Smith published in 2003 by Ghost House Books and Barbara Smith
Dreams and Ghosts in Polar Exploration by Shane McCorristine published in 2018 by UCL Press and accessed through jstor.org
Polar Otherworlds: Dreams and Ghosts in Arctic Exploration by Shane McCorristine, a lecture given at the 14th annual Ernest Shacketon Autumn School in 2014, in Ireland, and accessed through academia.edu
Episode cover art: Adobe Stock photo #169145876 by @Jillian
Visit us online at https://discoverthepast.com/
Even better, come join us on one of our history tours or Ghostly Walks! We would love to see you out there!
Enjoy the episode,

Monday Jul 22, 2019
Episode 7- Manitoba
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Welcome to the seventh episode of Ghost Stories of Canada! Today we'll be examining stories from Manitoba, where we'll look at some mysterious deaths, poltergeist activity attributed to a famous ghost that never was, and the imposing Hotel Fort Garry.
Episodes will be released every Monday and Thursday starting on July 1st and each episode will cover a different province or territory of Canada.
Our reading list for this episode is as follows:
Prairie Ghosts: True Manitoba Ghost Stories by Lois Forsberg published in 1998 by ELF Publications
Ghost Stories of Manitoba by Barbara Smith published in 1998 by Lone Pine Publishing
Great Canadian Ghost Stories by Barbara Smith published in 2018 by Touchwood Editions
True Canadian Ghost Stories by John Robert Colombo published in 2003 by Prospero Books
Episode cover art: Adobe Stock photo #214143117 by @Nolan
Visit us online at https://discoverthepast.com/
Even better, come join us on one of our history tours or Ghostly Walks! We would love to see you out there!
Enjoy the episode,

Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Episode 6- Ontario
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Welcome to the sixth episode of Ghost Stories of Canada! Today we'll be examining stories from Ontario, where we'll delve into an abandoned insane asylum, the magnificent Chateau Laurier, and the ghost of one of Canada's most famous painters.
Episodes will be released every Monday and Thursday starting on July 1st and each episode will cover a different province or territory of Canada.
A very special thanks to our friends out in Ontario who run their own ghost walks! Please head on over to their websites and check them out!
Ghost Walks of Hamilton, Toronto, and Niagara: https://ghostwalks.com/
Ghost Tours of Fort George: http://www.niagaraghosts.com/
The Haunted Walk in Toronto, Kingston, and Ottawa: https://hauntedwalk.com/
Our reading list for this episode is as follows:
True Canadian Ghost Stories by John Robert Colombo published by Prospero Books in 2003
Haunted Ontario by Terry Boyle published by Dundurn Press in 2013
Episode cover art: Adobe Stock photo #94747119 by valleyboi63
Visit us online at https://discoverthepast.com/
Even better, come join us on one of our history tours or Ghostly Walks! We would love to see you out there!
Enjoy the episode,

Monday Jul 15, 2019
Episode 5- Québec
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Monday Jul 15, 2019
Welcome to the fifth episode of Ghost Stories of Canada! Today we'll be examining stories from Québec, including stories about Montréal's headless Mary Gallagher, footsteps on the upper floors, and perhaps most famous of all, La Corriveau.
Episodes will be released every Monday and Thursday starting on July 1st and each episode will cover a different province or territory of Canada.
Our reading list for this episode is as follows:
Great Canadian Ghost Stories by Barbara Smith, published by Touchwood Editions in 2018
Canadian Ghost Stories by Barbara Smith, published by Lone Pine Publishing in 2001
Episode cover art: Adobe Stock photo #91461836 by merrvas
Visit us online at https://discoverthepast.com/
Even better, come join us on one of our history tours or Ghostly Walks! We would love to see you out there!
Enjoy the episode,

Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Episode 4- New Brunswick
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Thursday Jul 11, 2019
Welcome to the fourth episode of Ghost Stories of Canada! Today we'll be examining stories from New Brunswick, focusing on stories from the lumber camps, revisiting the devil, and hearing about a very haunted house near the boarder.
Episodes will be released every Monday and Thursday starting on July 1st and each episode will cover a different province or territory of Canada.
If you're in Fredericton in the future and are looking for an awesome ghost walk, visit Calithumpians' website at https://www.calithumpians.com/page3
Our reading list for this episode is as follows:
Great Canadian Ghost Stories by Barbara Smith, published by Touchwood Editions in 2018
Ghost Stories of the Maritimes by Vernon Oickle published by Lone Pine Publishing in 2001
Ghost Stories of the Maritimes: Volume II by Vernon Oickle published by Ghost House Books in 2001
True Canadian Ghost Stories by John Robert Colombo published by Prospero Books in 2003
Bluenose Ghosts by Helen Creighton printed in 1957 by Best Book Manufacturers Inc. and re-published in 1994 by Nimbus Publishing Limited
Episode cover art: Adobe Stock photo #177482567 by Rosemarie
Visit us online at https://discoverthepast.com/
Even better, come join us on one of our history tours or Ghostly Walks! We would love to see you out there!
Enjoy the episode,